National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Critical to Extremely Critical Fire Weather in the Southern Plains; Heavy Snow in the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin

Strong winds and very dry conditions will promote critical to extremely critical fire weather conditions across portions of the Southern Plains, especially across eastern New Mexico and far western Texas. Heavy high elevation mountain snow will continue in the Sierra Nevada and Great Basin through Monday, with 1 to 2 feet of snow expected. Read More >

NOAAPort Updates / History


  This page provides a chronology of updates and additions made to the NOAAPort system, processes, or documentation.



  • 2024 02 07 - SCN24-14: Metop-C NUCAPS Soundings to be Added to the Satellite Broadcast Network on or near March 8, 2024



  • 2023 10 20 - SCN23-93 AAA Updated: GOES-East/West Cloud Cover Layers to be Added to the Satellite Broadcast Network on or after October 23, 2023
  • 2023 06 09 - SCN23-64: NOAA-21 VIIRS Imagery to be Added to the Satellite Broadcast Network on or after July 10, 2023
  • 2023 05 02 - SCN23-42 AAA Updated: Activation of GOES-East/West Ice and Snow Products on the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) on or after June 5, 2023
  • 2023 04 01 - The AWIPS SBN formally transitioned operations from the G28 satellite to the G31.      
  • 2023 03 30 - Signal strength issues resolved. There was a combination of adjacent carrier interference and site polarization issues. Moving the customer to a different channel resolved the satellite signal issue. The reduction in signal strength affected some sites more than others based on the adjustment of the antenna polarization. LMB rotation of as little as 2 degrees has been shown to improve reception at affected sites greatly.  
  • 2023 03 22 - Multiple sites have reported sporadic significant signal degradation. Some but not all sites are reporting degradation at similar times. Sites are located throughout the US. No notable differences have been identified between sites that are affected and those that are not. 
  • 2023 03 10 - SCN 22-77 AAC Change to NOAAPort / Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN): Published. Updating the previous version with a change to the NOAA Weather Wire (NWWS) frequency and clarifying that any site not transitioned by the end of the transition window will lose the data feed.
  • 2023 02 26 - Multiple sites have reported intermittent signal degradation over the last several days. Initial indications are that this is caused by the increasing solar activity between now and mid-March. 
  • 2023 02 22 - SCN23-19: Activation of Metop-C ASCAT Winds on the Satellite Broadcast Network on or about March 24, 2023
  • 2023 02 10 - An investigation was conducted on sites reporting a lack of data after transitioning. This has identified the presence of another satellite less than 2 degrees off the G31 azimuth. Many sites are accidentally locking onto the neighboring satellite. 
  • 2023 02 08 - The AWIPS SBN began split operations between the G28 and G31 satellites, and sites began repointing and reconfiguring.
  • 2023 02 07 - SCN 22-77 AAB Published. Updating the previous version with a change to the transition start date and Radio Frequency.
  • 2023 01 30 - SCN22-112 AAA Updated: Activation of GOES-R Geostationary Lightning Mapper Gridded Data Products on the Satellite Broadcast Network on or after March 6, 2023
  • 2023 01 27 - SCN22-94 AAB Updated: Changes to the Geographic and Spectral Coverage of GOES-East/West Imagery on the Satellite Broadcast Network: Effective December 1, 2022 (GOES-East) and January 4, 2023 (GOES-West)
  • 2023 01 24 - Service Change Notice SCN 22-77 AAA Published. Reminding all users of the upcoming satellite change and providing configuration information.
  • 2023 01 05 - G31 in position.



  • 2022 11 12 - G31 successfully launched.
  • 2022 08 23 - SCN22-79: GOES-R Mesoscale Fire Hotspots Promoted to the GOES-East and GOES-West Channels of the Satellite Broadcast Network: Effective August 23, 2022
  • 2022 08 22 - SCN 22-77 Published. Notifying all users of a requirement to transition NOAAPort services from the G28 Satellite because it will replaced into an inclined orbit. Services will be transitioned to the G31 Satellite, which is scheduled for launch on November 22 and will reach its place in orbit on January 23.
  • 2022 04 07 - SCN22-36: Change to NEXRAD Product Dissemination via NOAAPort/SBN on or around May 10, 2022



  • 2021 11 19 - SCN21-96: Change to NEXRAD Product Dissemination via NOAAPort/SBN on or around February 2, 2022
  • 2021 09 17 - SCN21-83: Addition of GOES-West Fog and Low Stratus Data Product for the West CONUS / PACUS Sector to the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) on or after October 18, 2021
  • 2021 09 08 - PNS21-60: Seeking Comments through October 8, 2021 on Changing the Geographic Coverage of GOES-R SCMI Data Available via the Satellite Broadcast Network
  • 2021 08 10 - SCN21-74 AAA Updated: GOES-East and GOES-West Fire Hotspots for Mesoscale Sectors to be Added to the Satellite Broadcast Network (SBN) on or after September 8, 2021
  • 2021 08 04 - PNS21-55: Soliciting Comments on a Change to NEXRAD Product Dissemination via NOAAPort/SBN on December 1, 2021
  • 2021 04 02 - PNS21-23: Soliciting Comments through May 1, 2021 on the Removal of Low Resolution Products from SBN/NOAAPort

Pre 2006

 The transition from the old T1 technology to the new DVB-S technology has been accomplished in phases. 

  • Phase 1: Post a technical report on the NOAAPORT web page GOES and Non-GOES Imagery Product Compression Approach for External NOAAPORT Satellite Broadcast Network Userswhich describes the open source (zlib) compression algorithm and a method to decompress zlib compressed data [April 03]. Note, Zlib is already used to compress NEXRAD radar data over NOAAPORT. Sample zlib compressed GOES products routinely transmitted over both GOES East and GOES West channels for NOAAPORT users to test with. [Complete] 
  • Phase 2: Compress all products on both GOES East and GOES West using the open source (zlib) compression algorithm.
  • [Complete]
  • Phase 3: Combine both GOES East and GOES West data feeds on both GOES East and GOES West channels. [Complete]
  • Phase 4: Cease transmission of GOES data on either the former GOES East or former GOES West channel (specific channel to be determined at a later date). [Complete] 
  • Phase 5: Begin using the satellite space from the vacated GOES channel to test the DVB-S technology over the NOAAPORT link. [Complete]
  • Phase 6: Begin transmission of additional gridded data on the new NWSTG2 channel (former GOES West channel). This channel will use the new DVB-S technology. The new NWSTG2 gridded data will also be compressed using the open standard JPEG2000. The specific gridded data to be placed on NWSTG2 is to be determined. [Complete] 
  • Phase 7: Eliminated. Overtaken by events.
  • Phase 8: Transmission of NOAAPORT will begin on a single channel with an equivalent 6 T1 capacity. The single channel will be on the same satellite, but on a different transponder than is currently used, using DVB-S technology. The specific transponder will be determined at a later date. [Complete]
  • Phase 9: Shut down all old NOAAPORT channels. End of all legacy NOAAPORT channels. All NOAAPORT users must have DVB-S capability by this date. [Completed 3/31/05]
  • Phase 10: (Eliminated)
  • Phase 11: (Eliminated) 
  • The AWIPS/NESDIS ICD, which describes the interface for the GINI-format GOES imagery, originating at NESDIS and flowing through the NCF to the SBN's GOES channels, has been updated to reflect polar imagery identifications for the i1 i2 in the header; satellite sub-point latitude and longitude; satellite height; upper right hand corner latitude and longitude points; additional satellites were added to the list; additional possible sectors; also, a new table was added that provides size and specifications of the polar satellite sectors. The Document Number AA0130008 CH-5, dated December 1, 2005, can be downloaded from the "NOAAPORT References" page.
  • NOAAPORT EVOLUTION PLAN (Updated April 2005) – The old NOAAPORT T1 circuit technology has been replaced with an open standard, open source, scalable design, specifically Digital Video Broadcast- Satellite (DVB-S). With deployment of DVB-S, the NOAAPORT broadcast can be easily upscaled to meet the demand when new science data becomes available and delivery to the NWS field is required.
  • August 2004 - The following NOAAPORT sections have been updated: NOAAPORT Channels, Manufacturers List, NOAAPORT Data Characteristics, Latitude/Longitude Dimensions of Remapped GOES/Composite Imager Products (GOES 10-11), Latitude/Longitude Dimensions of Remapped GOES/Composite Imager Products (GOES 12 and N), and Remapped AWIPS Satellite Sounder Imagery Products from NESDIS.
  • April 2003 - The NOAAPORT Link Budget Parameters and Characteristics has been updated to reflect the new increased Transmit EIRP values and the EIRP Contour, FTS Contour, and G/T Contour charts have been replaced to reflect the actual footprint values versus the earlier charts' predicted value.
  • The NOAAPORT User's Page was reformatted and the NOAAPORT Technical Contacts updated on March 13, 2003.
  • On November 27, 2001, the NWS added 11 new radar products from WSR-88D sites to the NOAAPORT broadcast. Go to the NWS RPCCDS page under Available Radar Products to view the list of NOAAPORT products.
  • After the January 1, 2001 termination of the NEXRAD Information Dissemination Service (NIDS) agreement and the operational implementation of the NWS Radar Products Service (RPS), the NWS began broadcasting radar products over NOAAPORT without data encryption and in a compressed format. The compression algorithm used is based on the zlib compression libraries. For more information about the RPS and Radar data access over NOAAPORT go to the NWS RPCCDS Page.

  • NWS Certifies that NOAAPORT is Operational: On November 25, 1998, Walter Telesetsky, Director Office of Systems Operations, signed a statement certifying that the NOAAPORTsatellite broadcast is operational.