National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

NERFC Hydromet Outlook Page

Supporting Gulf of Maine HAB Monitoring & Forecasting


This hydromet outlook page has been developed in support of Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Monitoring and Forecasting Activities in the

Gulf Of Maine. Weekly 2-week Outlooks are provided by NERFC from March through the end of June in support of these activities.


Latest HAB Outlook

Latest NERFC Harmful Algae Bloom Outlook

Latest 30 Day Precipitation

Departures from Normal

Latest 60 Day Precipitation

Departures from Normal

Latest 90 Day Precipitation

Departures from Normal

30 Day Precipitation Departures from Normal across New York and New England. 60 Day Precipitation Departures from Normal across New York and New England. 90 Day Precipitation Departures from Normal across New York and New England.

Current Modeled Snow Depth across

New York and New England

Current Observed SWE across

New York and New England

Current Modeled SWE across

New York and New England

NOHRSC Current Modeled Snow Depth across New England and New York NOHRSC Current Observed Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) across New England and New York NOHRSC Current Modeled Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) across New England and New York



For more snow information please visit our webpage at:


Current Streamflow Departures

Current 7 Day Average Streamflow Departures

Current USGS Streamflow Compared To Historical across New England Current USGS 7 Day Average Streamflow Compared To Historical across New England

Current Streamflow Forecasts

Current Streamflow Forecasts


The North American Ensemble Forecast System

(NAEFS) Summary

The Global Ensemble Forecast System

(GEFS) Summary

Latest NAEFS Ensemble Summary across much of New York and New England Latest GEFS Ensemble Summary across much of New York and New England


More detailed graphical & tabular Ensemble River Forecast information for New York and New England can be found at:

The 90 Day Streamflow forecasts can be found at:

Wind Speed Forecasts (kts)

for the Northeast

Wind Speed Forecasts (kts) for the Northeast


Short Range Forecasts

Days 0.5 to 2.5

3 Day Precipitation Forecast

Latest WPC Surface Analysis Forecast - link to Days 0.5-2.5 3 Day Precipitation Forecast for much of New York and New England


Medium Range Forecasts

Days 3 to 7

5 Day Precipitation Forecast

7 Day Precipitation Forecast

Latest WPC Surface Analysis Forecast - link to Days 3-7 5 Day Precipitation Forecast for New York and New England 7 Day Precipitation Forecast for New York and New England

6-10 Day Temperature Forecast

6-10 Day Precipitation Forecast

6-10 Day Temperature Outlook across the United States 6-10 Day Precipitation Outlook across the United States


8-14 Day Temperature Forecast

8-14 Day Precipitation Forecast

8-14 Day Temperature Outlook across the United States 8-14 Day Precipitation Outlook across the United States


Latest Winter/Spring Flood Potential Outlook

Latest NERFC Winter/Spring Flood Potential Outlook