NWS IWX Tornado Climatology
For updated tornado track information, visit the Damage Assessment Toolkit. In the upper-right side of that website, you can select a date, or date range, and view the tornado tracks. To find information on other severe weather events, visit the NCEI Storm Events Database. There, in the lower left, you can select a state. On the page that follows, you can search by date, county, and weather event.
All known tornadoes from 1950 to 2017 are plotted on the maps below. The images are from the Midwest Region Climate Center. Their interactive Tornado Tracks Tool provides a dynamic map to explore tornado tracks. Click on a county name to see a map of all known tornado tracks in that county, or click on a year to see all known tornado tracks for that year across the entire area.
This data is considered "unofficial". For "official" statistics, contact the National Centers for Environmental Information, NCEI.