E-19a, Abridged Report on River Gage Sta
In hydrologic terms, an abridged version of an E-19, an E-19a updates the E-19 as additional information, or changes occur at the station during the intervening five year period. An E-19a is to be completed anytime a significant change occurs at a forecast point. An E-19a is also used to take the place of an E-19 in documenting any gage history, or information of any non-forecast point (i.e; data point).
Ice Bridge
In hydrologic terms, a continuous ice cover of limited size extending from shore to shore like a bridge.
Light Bridge
In solar-terrestrial terms, it is observed in white light, a bright tongue or streaks penetra- ting or crossing sunspot umbrae. The appearance of a light bridge is frequently a sign of impending region division or dissolution
Moisture Ridge
An axis of relatively high dew point values. This axis is sometimes referred to as a 'moist tongue'.
1) An elongated area of relatively high atmospheric pressure; the opposite of trough.
2) In hydrologic terms, a line or wall of broken ice forced up by pressure. May be fresh or weathered
Ridge Ice
In hydrologic terms, ice piled haphazardly one piece over another in the form of ridges or walls.
Theta-e Ridge
An axis of relatively high values of theta-e. Severe weather and excessive rainfall often occur near or just upstream from a theta-e ridge.

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