National Weather Service Skywarn Spotters for the National Weather Service play an important role in our warning process and help our communities stay safe. |
If you missed the live classes during the spring, it's okay! We recorded the presentation and it's available for you to watch anytime. If you're from the Northland and want to register to be a spotter, or you just want to get a bit of refresher training, please check out the recorded version! To register as a spotter (or to refresh your contact information if you're a current spotter), following these three steps: 1) Watch the video below 2) Write down each of the 3 "code words" presented in the video 3) Fill out the Spotter Registration Form. After you register, we'll send you an email with a "hand out" document from the class that has our spotter phone number, a summary of what and how to report to our office, and some links to websites we discussed during the presentation. You'll also get a link to watch last year's Advanced class! If you have questions, comments, or feedback on this class or the Skywarn program, please contact Meteorologist Bryan Howell: bryan.howell@noaa.gov.
Looking for a recording of the Advanced Skywarn training? Once you complete the basic training and register as a spotter, you will automatically get a link to the Advanced class recording.
Remove from Database OR Update Information
If you registered as a spotter in Spring 2021 or later, you can use the email confirmation you received to update your information. If you did not take a spotter class in 2021 and want to update your information, or for anyone who wishes to be removed from our database, please use this: Update Information or Remove From List (You may also email Bryan directly at bryan.howell@noaa.gov) |
Generate Skywarn Spotter Card
Are you looking for a spotter card to print out? Use our Skywarn Spotter Card Generator! (You will need a code - for the code, please email Bryan at bryan.howell@noaa.gov to verify spotter information.) |
The National Weather Service's SKYWARN® program provides FREE 2-hour training to volunteers in the community who help identify and report severe weather including large hail, damaging winds and tornadoes.
Since the program began in the 1970s, the information provided by SKYWARN® spotters has helped the National Weather Service issue timely and accurate warnings to protect lives and property. There can be no finer reward than to know that their efforts have given communities the precious gift of time, the seconds and minutes which can help save lives.
Each Spring, National Weather Service offices across the country train volunteers within their area of responsibility. At the Duluth office, we are responsible for training across northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. Our neighboring offices in Grand Forks, Minneapolis, La Crosse, Green Bay, and Marquette offer training for their service areas.
We encourage anyone with an interest in weather to attend a SKYWARN® class in your community to become an official and trained weather spotter. No registration is required, just show up. Anyone who spends time outdoors, whether working, camping, fishing, golfing, or hiking will also benefit from a SKYWARN® class. Public safety personnel are also encouraged to attend SKYWARN® training.
SKYWARN® training covers the following topics:
Current SKYWARN® spotters are asked to attend training at least every 4 years in order to refresh their training.
No. The National Weather Service provides training free of charge.
Yes! This class will go more in-depth into thunderstorm development, storm identification, and radar interpretation. Spotters should take the basic/normal course before taking the Advanced course. If you can't make a live version, a recorded version is available upon request - to access the recording, or if you have a topic you'd like to see covered in the Advanced course, please email Joe at joseph.moore@noaa.gov.
Going forward, we will no longer be using spotter ID numbers. For future in-person classes, we will still distribute a business card with our contact information and some quick reference information, but we are discontinuing the ID numbers. If you still have a spotter number you can use it when you call our office, but we will no longer assign new spotter ID numbers.
In fall 2020, NWS Duluth introduced optional Winter Spotter Training. Click the link to watch a recording and find out more about how you can help us during the winter season!
An alternative online training course is available on the COMET MetEd website (free registration is required). The online training is a great supplement and annual refresher, but we recommend taking our course as well (live or recorded version) to learn about how to best get reports to our office.
In some areas, local SKYWARN® organizations have been organized to better support the National Weather Service mission. Below is a partial list of local SKYWARN® organizations in the region.
SKYWARN® is a registered trademark of NOAA's National Weather Service. Rules for the usage of the SKYWARN® name and logo are available at https://www.weather.gov/media/skywarn/SKYWARN_branding_guidelines_v5.0_Oct08.pdf
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NOAA All Hazards Weather Radio, NOAA Publications
If you have questions, please contact Bryan at bryan.howell@noaa.gov