Today's Weather Trivia
Today's Date is Tuesday March 25, 2025...\n ON... Mar 25, 1934 A spring snowstorm produced 21 inches of snow at Amarillo TX in just 24 hours. However, much of the snow melted as it fell, and as a result, the snow cover was never any deeper than 4.5 inches. IN 1948...For the second time in less than a week airplanes were destroyed by a tornado at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City OK. The first tornado, on March 20th, struck without warning and caused more damage than any previous tornado in the state of Oklahoma. The second tornado was predicted by Fawbush and Miller of the United States Air Force, and their accurate tornado forecast ushered in the modern era of severe weather forecasting. IN 1957...A great blizzard which began March 22nd ended. Snow had fallen every hour from 10 pm on the 22nd until 1 pm on the 25th. The storm dropped an estimated 18.5 inches of snow in Dodge City. Southwest Kansas had been completely paralyzed from the storm. Every highway in the western part of the state was closed by drifts of up to 10 feet and more. Local motels, churches and schools were packed with stranded travelers and several people were reported missing as a result of the great blizzard in southwest Kansas. Three passenger trains had become stuck in the storm; one four miles east of Dodge City, one west of Garden City and another near Meade. An estimated 600-700 head of cattle were lost. The southern sides of most buildings were completely covered with drifts and 20 to 30 foot drifts were not uncommon. IN 1987...Heavy rain left rivers and streams swollen in Kansas and Nebraska, causing considerable crop damage due to flooding of agricultural areas. The Saline River near Wilson Reservoir in central Kansas reached its highest level since 1951.