Recent Text Summaries and Reports |
Hourly Data for up to 3 Days Ago |
Daily and Monthly Summaries and Historical Extremes |
Please see the examples and accompanying example images below.
The records can be found in many ways, but the two easiest are:
1) Day-by-day:
* Go to "Climate and Past Weather"
* Choose the Location in column #1,
* "Daily almanac" from column #2,
* Select the date from column #3, and
* Hit "GO!"
2) Calendar Day Summary:
* Go to "Climate and Past Weather"
* Choose the Location in column #1,
* "Calendar day summaries" from column #2,
* For column #3, leave the Year range at "por (period of record) - 2020",
* Select the variable and summary type, and hit "GO!"
Example: Selecting Max temp and Daily Maximum as the variable and summary type, you'll get the record maximums. (tip: Selecting "Daily Minimum" results in the Lowest High temps (mini maxes))
Harrisburg | Williamsport | ||||
New Years Day | Harrisburg | Williamsport | ||||
PA Farm Show Weeks | Day-By-Day Weather for 1917-Present | |||||
Easter Day | Harrisburg | Williamsport | ||||
July 4th (Independence Day) |
Harrisburg | Williamsport | ||||
Thanksgiving Day | Harrisburg | Williamsport | ||||
Christmas Day | Harrisburg | Williamsport |
IMPORTANT: The data available from the various NWS websites are considered preliminary and are usually NOT permissible in court/legal proceedings.
The following two sources (PA State Climatologist and the NCEI) can provide fully-quality-checked documentation which is usually permissible in legal matters.
Pennsylvania State Climatologist |
NCEI National Center for Environmental Information |
The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) in Asheville, NC may have what you are looking for. NCEI stores all weather information recorded across the US and it's territories since the 1800's. NCEI quality controls the data and publishes it in various forms (a monthly summary is the most common form). They also certify the data for use in court, as well. NCEI's phone #: (828) 271-4800. Severe Weather Events:
State College (STCP1) Climate Data (from PSU Meteorology Department):
Observing Station Histories:
Normal Dates of Last Freeze in Spring and First Freeze in Autumn
Seasonal and Normal Snowfall Maps
Past Daily Weather Maps On-line (from NWS WPC)
Flood Climatology for Susquehanna Basins
Maps showing common regional names: