National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Softball Hail in Akron, OH

Severe Storms of Friday, June 8, 2007

click on map for local storm reports nationwide on June 8, 2007

     A strong cold front was forecast to move through at a prime time during the afternoon hours of Friday, June 8. Temperatures ahead of the front soared to near 90 and dew points were reaching muggy levels in the middle 60s. The following is the surface analysis from 200 PM EDT.

analyzed surface chart

     The most impressive storm of the day happened in Summit county. There were numerous reports of tennis ball sized hail and even one report of softball sized hail! The following two radar animations focus on the Summit Co. storm as it moved across northern Ohio and Summit county.

click here for radar animation
click for radar animation
click for satellite animation
click here for radar cross-section of Summit Co. storm
click to see line that cross-section was taken through

picture of hail
picture of hail