Subject: GFS EXPERIMENTAL Froude Number for the greens Model run: BTV_GRID_D2D_GFS_20250313_1800 Using the MB925 to MB850 layer. Assumes greens are orthogonal to 270 degree winds. 925-850 mb Layer Average Wind/RH. Avg QPF over the greens. Date Time Wind RH% 700 850T QPF Day mm/dd hhZ Frd# DDFF (%) RH% (C) (in) === ===== === ==== ==== === === === ==== Thu 03/13 18Z 0.09 1816 84 35 -4 0.00 Thu 03/13 21Z 0.16 1917 82 11 -4 0.00 Fri 03/14 00Z 0.23 2016 76 7 -2 0.00 Fri 03/14 03Z 0.25 2114 73 10 -1 0.00 Fri 03/14 06Z 0.26 2212 71 17 0 0.00 Fri 03/14 09Z 0.26 2509 69 20 0 0.00 Fri 03/14 12Z 0.24 2508 68 28 0 0.00 Fri 03/14 15Z 0.15 2307 65 35 1 0.00 Fri 03/14 18Z 0.11 2009 63 32 2 0.00 Fri 03/14 21Z 0.17 2012 63 42 3 0.00 Sat 03/15 00Z 0.25 2115 53 34 5 0.00 Sat 03/15 03Z 0.24 2115 53 31 6 0.00 Sat 03/15 06Z 0.20 2116 49 27 7 0.00 Sat 03/15 09Z 0.20 2019 54 23 7 0.00 Sat 03/15 12Z 0.23 2023 54 38 7 0.00 Sat 03/15 15Z 0.23 2026 57 45 8 0.00 Sat 03/15 18Z 0.18 1925 64 36 8 0.00 Sat 03/15 21Z 0.23 2024 74 34 7 0.00 Sun 03/16 00Z 0.24 2027 68 59 9 0.00 Sun 03/16 03Z 0.33 2033 67 55 9 0.00 Sun 03/16 06Z 0.32 2037 78 22 8 0.00 Sun 03/16 09Z 0.35 2037 94 19 8 0.00 Sun 03/16 12Z 0.30 1936 92 32 7 0.00 Sun 03/16 15Z 0.46 1941 93 68 8 0.00 Run total areal avg QPF for the greens is: 0.00 inches. Froude Number (Frd#): Frd# < 0.5 Flow is subcritical and blocked. Upslope clouds/precip backed farther upwind of and up to mtn crest. W Upslope snow favors eastern Champlain Valley, BTV, and Western slopes. Gap winds possible. Frd# 0.5-1 Flow is subcritical/slow moving/blocked. Upslope clouds/precip falls immediately upwind of mtn crest. W Upslope snow favors western slopes to the Green Mt. spine including: Montgomery,Underhill,Jericho,Bolton,Richmond,Huntington,Lincoln. Gap winds possible. Frd# 1-2 Flow is critical. With strong winds, Mountain waves/downslope winds possible. Precip falls close to mountain ridge crests and on lee side. W Upslope snow favors Green Mt Spine,Jay,Stowe,Waterbury,NE Kingdom. Froude > 2 Flow is supercritical/unblocked(rapid flow). Air flows freely over terrain. Persistent upslope snow not favored. Scattered snow showers and flurries. Relative Humidity (RH): 925-850 mb RH > 90% needed for upslope precipitation. with 700mb RH > 70% favors upslope snow. with 700mb RH > 90% greater amounts of W upslope snow possible. 850mb Temperature (T degC) Westerly Upslope Snow Ratios: (Avg=28:1) T > -11 10-15:1 T -11 to -15 25-35:1 T < -15 15-20:1