National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Cold Weather Advisory for Portions of Northern New York

A Cold Weather Advisory has been issued for portions of northern New York from midnight tonight to 9 AM EST Sunday. Very cold winds chills as low as 25 below are expected, with winds chills on mountain peaks lower than 30 below. These wind chills could cause frostbite on exposed skin in as little as 30 minutes. Read More >

Subject: NAM3 EXPERIMENTAL Froude Number for the greens

Model run: BTV_GRID_D2D_NAM3_20241222_0000
Using the MB925 to MB850 layer.
Assumes greens are orthogonal to 270 degree winds.

925-850 mb Layer Average Wind/RH. Avg QPF over the greens.
Date   Time        Wind RH% 700 850T QPF
Day mm/dd hhZ Frd# DDFF (%) RH% (C) (in)
=== ===== === ==== ==== === === === ====
Sun 12/22 00Z 0.63 3123  86  62 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 01Z 0.59 3125  88  57 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 02Z 0.51 3124  89  53 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 03Z 0.44 3124  87  48 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 04Z 0.39 3124  83  38 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 05Z 0.37 3124  81  27 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 06Z 0.34 3123  80  17 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 07Z 0.33 3123  79  12 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 08Z 0.32 3223  78  13 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 09Z 0.31 3224  77  15 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 10Z 0.29 3224  76  13 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 11Z 0.26 3224  75  12 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 12Z 0.23 3324  75  14 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 13Z 0.19 3323  74  14 -20 0.00
Sun 12/22 14Z 0.16 3322  73  15 -19 0.00
Sun 12/22 15Z 0.14 3421  73  12 -19 0.00
Sun 12/22 16Z 0.14 3420  71   9 -19 0.00
Sun 12/22 17Z 0.13 3419  69  11 -19 0.00
Sun 12/22 18Z 0.13 3418  68  13 -19 0.00
Sun 12/22 19Z 0.12 3418  63  14 -18 0.00
Sun 12/22 20Z 0.10 3417  59  14 -18 0.00
Sun 12/22 21Z 0.10 3417  57  13 -18 0.00
Sun 12/22 22Z 0.09 3417  55  11 -17 0.00
Sun 12/22 23Z 0.07 3416  51   9 -17 0.00
Mon 12/23 00Z 0.04 3514  47   7 -16 0.00
Mon 12/23 01Z 0.04 3512  45   7 -16 0.00
Mon 12/23 02Z 0.04 3411  42   7 -15 0.00
Mon 12/23 03Z 0.04 3409  40   7 -15 0.00
Mon 12/23 04Z 0.05 3408  40   7 -15 0.00
Mon 12/23 05Z 0.08 3207  38   6 -15 0.00
Mon 12/23 06Z 0.08 3206  35   5 -14 0.00
Mon 12/23 07Z 0.09 3005  33   6 -14 0.00
Mon 12/23 08Z 0.10 2905  31   7 -14 0.00
Mon 12/23 09Z 0.10 2805  28   6 -13 0.00
Mon 12/23 10Z 0.14 2706  27   7 -13 0.00
Mon 12/23 11Z 0.15 2507  26   8 -13 0.00
Mon 12/23 12Z 0.16 2508  24  10 -12 0.00
Mon 12/23 13Z 0.17 2408  22  22 -12 0.00
Mon 12/23 14Z 0.17 2409  20  57 -12 0.00
Mon 12/23 15Z 0.19 2311  19  89 -11 0.00
Mon 12/23 16Z 0.20 2312  19  87 -11 0.00
Mon 12/23 17Z 0.21 2312  19  73 -10 0.00
Mon 12/23 18Z 0.23 2313  19  72 -10 0.00
Mon 12/23 19Z 0.22 2313  18  72  -9 0.00
Mon 12/23 20Z 0.21 2214  17  82  -8 0.00
Mon 12/23 21Z 0.23 2215  18  80  -8 0.00
Mon 12/23 22Z 0.25 2217  19  90  -8 0.00
Mon 12/23 23Z 0.28 2219  24  95  -8 0.00
Tue 12/24 00Z 0.31 2221  28  93  -8 0.00
Tue 12/24 01Z 0.33 2223  38  94  -8 0.00
Tue 12/24 02Z 0.29 2125  73  93  -7 0.00
Tue 12/24 03Z 0.27 2125  92  93  -6 0.01
Tue 12/24 04Z 0.36 2227  92  92  -7 0.05
Tue 12/24 05Z 0.40 2229  68  91  -7 0.04
Tue 12/24 06Z 0.43 2228  72  91  -7 0.03
Tue 12/24 07Z 0.47 2327  73  93  -9 0.03
Tue 12/24 08Z 0.46 2325  86  93  -9 0.03
Tue 12/24 09Z 0.44 2422  91  90  -9 0.04
Tue 12/24 10Z 0.40 2618  91  91  -9 0.04
Tue 12/24 11Z 0.37 2716  92  94  -9 0.03

Run total areal avg QPF for the greens is: 0.30 inches.

Froude Number (Frd#): 
Frd# < 0.5 Flow is subcritical and blocked.
         Upslope clouds/precip backed farther upwind of and up to mtn crest.
         W Upslope snow favors eastern Champlain Valley, BTV, and Western slopes.
         Gap winds possible.
Frd# 0.5-1 Flow is subcritical/slow moving/blocked.
         Upslope clouds/precip falls immediately upwind of mtn crest.
         W Upslope snow favors western slopes to the Green Mt. spine including:
         Gap winds possible.
Frd# 1-2 Flow is critical.
         With strong winds, Mountain waves/downslope winds possible.
         Precip falls close to mountain ridge crests and on lee side.
         W Upslope snow favors Green Mt Spine,Jay,Stowe,Waterbury,NE Kingdom.
Froude > 2 Flow is supercritical/unblocked(rapid flow).
         Air flows freely over terrain.
         Persistent upslope snow not favored. Scattered snow showers and flurries.

Relative Humidity (RH): 
         925-850 mb RH > 90% needed for upslope precipitation.
         with 700mb RH > 70% favors upslope snow.
         with 700mb RH > 90% greater amounts of W upslope snow possible.

850mb Temperature (T degC) Westerly Upslope Snow Ratios: (Avg=28:1)
        T > -11       10-15:1
        T -11 to -15  25-35:1
        T < -15       15-20:1