National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Last Map Update: Mon, Mar 24, 2025 at 3:26:42 pm CDT

Fair weather is forecast across Middle Tennessee through mid week with variable cloudiness each day. Temperatures will trend slightly above normal with very little rain chances.
Fair weather will dominate Middle Tennessee for much of this week with little to no rain chances most days. Temperatures will trend slightly above normal, then increase in overall warmth toward late week.
Applications are open for NWS Nashville's student volunteer program! This is a great opportunity for college students to gain real-world experience in meteorology over the summer. The deadline to apply is March 28th! Visit for more information.
Weather101 is back! Check out to sign up for any or all of our classes this season.


Middle Tennessee Weather History For March 24th...
On March 24, 1994...The belltower of the Warren County courthouse in
McMinnville catches fire following a lightning strike. In a separate
incident, a barn at Shipps Bend (Hickman County) is desroyed by fire
after being struck by lightning.'


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