National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Rain and Mountain Snow in the Pacific Northwest; Warmer in the Western and Central U.S.

Across the Pacific Northwest, a plume of Pacific moisture will continue to bring moderate to locally heavy rainfall to lower elevations and heavy snow to the northern Cascades into the northern Rockies through Monday. Warm spring-like temperatures will expand over the western and central U.S. this week. Record tying or breaking highs will be possible from Texas west into the Desert Southwest. Read More >



Questions/comments may be directed to Mike Main, Fire Weather Program Leader

Red Flag Program

Latest Fire Weather Watch / Red Flag Warning


Fire Weather Watches and Red Flag Warnings are issued when the combination of dry fuels and weather conditions support extreme fire danger and/or fire behavior. These conditions alert land management agencies to the potential for widespread new ignitions or control problems with existing fires, both of which could pose a threat to life and property.  A Red Flag event is the combination of critical meteorological fire weather conditions coinciding with significantly dry fuels. This combination can lead to the occurrence of large and dangerous wildfires. Since the potential for Red Flag conditions does not exist without receptive fuel conditions, knowledge of existing fuel conditions is essential.     


Red Flag

Vegetation Stage I or II
cured/transition - Spring/Fall

Vegetation Stage III
   green - Summer

Relative Humidity Less than 30% for at least 2 hours Less than 30% for at least 2 hours
Rainfall N/A Less than 1/4 inch in previous 8 days

Sustained or frequent gusts above 25 mph
for at least 2 hours

Sustained or frequent gusts above 25 mph
for at least 2 hours 

Fuel Partner confirmation of dry/receptive fuels Keetch-Byram Drought Index above 300
and partner confirmation of dry/receptive fuels
Temperature N/A N/A


Fire Weather Watch is issued 12 - 96 hours in advance of expected onset of red flag criteria


Red Flag Warning is issued when red flag criteria will occur in 48 hours or less


Special Weather Statement is issued when conditions support enhanced fire weather behavior, but at levels below Red Flag criteria. SPSs can also be issued to raise elevated fire awareness amongst the fire weather community and the general public.



Min RH Day 1 Max Wind Gust Day 1

SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 1

Min RH Forecast - Day 1 Max Gust Forecast - Day 1 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 1


Min RH Day 2 Max Wind Gust Day 2

SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 2

Min RH Forecast - Day 2 Max Gust Forecast - Day 2 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 2


Min RH Day 3 Max Wind Gust Day 3 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 3
Min RH Forecast - Day 3 Max Gust Forecast - Day 3 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 3


Min RH Day 4 Max Wind Gust Day 4

SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 4

Min RH Forecast - Day 4 Max Gust Forecast - Day 4 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 4


Min RH Day 5 Max Wind Gust Day 5

SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 5

Min RH Forecast - Day 5 Max Gust Forecast - Day 5 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 5


Min RH Day 6 Max Wind Gust Day 6

SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 6

Min RH Forecast - Day 6 Max Gust Forecast - Day 6 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 6


Min RH Day 7 Max Wind Gust Day 7

SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 7

Min RH Forecast - Day 7 Max Gust Forecast - Day 7 SPC Fire Weather Outlook - Day 7


National 7-Day Significant Fire Potential

Significant Fire Potential Significant Fire Potential Significant Fire Potential
Day 1 Significant Fire Potential Day 2 Significant Fire Potential Day 3 Significant Fire Potential
Significant Fire Potential Significant Fire Potential Significant Fire Potential Significant Fire Potential
Day 4 Significant Fire Potential Day 5 Significant Fire Potential Day 6 Significant Fire Potential Day 7 Significant Fire Potential

These products are updated each weekday, usually by mid-afternoon Mountain time.

Explanation of the 7-Day Significant Fire Potential

National Significant Wildlife Fire Potential Outlooks

outlook outlook outlook outlook
Current Month Outlook Next Month Outlook Month 3 Outlook Month 4 Outlook



Local Products & Resources

Fire Weather Watch / Red Flag Warning

Routine Fire Weather Forecast

Area Forecast Discussion

Special Weather Statement

Fire Weather Graphics

NYS Spring Fire Weather Meeting Slides (PDF) - 2024

Local Annual Operations Plan  (PDF) - 2024

New York State Annual Operations Plan (PDF) - 2024

Local NFDRS Forecasts

300011 = Albany Pine Bush NY
301111 = Catskill Center NY
300411 = Lake Pleasant NY
305103 = Stonykill NY
301901 = Saratoga NY
431303 = Woodford VT

NFDRS Decoder



Fire Weather Matrix - Experimental 

Fire Weather Dashboard

Planning forecast with color-coded thresholds                                                     Point and click fire weather forecast - mobile friendly 






severe flood
10-hour fuel moisture - observed 10-hour fuel moisture - forecast


severe flood
100-hour fuel moisture - observed 100-hour fuel moisture - forecast


severe flood
1000-hour fuel moisture - observed 1000-hour fuel moisture - forecast
severe severe severe
Drought Monitor - Northeast
Interactive Map
Monthly Drought Outlook Keetch-Byram Drought Index
severe flood flood
Three-day Observed Precipitation Totals Five-day Observed Precipitation Totals Days Since 0.25" Precipitation


severe flood
New York State Mesonet 5cm Soil Moisture Percentiles New York State Mesonet Current Soil Conditions


Snow Depth Resources
Northeast River Forecast Center Snow Information Page

NOHRSC Interactive Snow Information

Observed Precipitation Resources
Northeast River Forecast Center

Northeast Regional Climate Center

National Water Prediction Service



severe severe
6-10 Day Temperature Probability
Interactive Map
6-10 Day Precipitation Probability
Interactive Map


severe severe
8-14 Day Temperature Probability
Interactive Map
8-14 Day Precipitation Probability
Interactive Map


severe severe
Week 3-4 Temperature Probability Week 3-4 Precipitation Probability


severe severe
One-Month Temperature Probability
Interactive Map
One-Month Precipitation Probability
Interactive Map


severe severe
Three-Month Temperature Probability
Interactive Map
Three-Month Precipitation Probability
Interactive Map





NY Fire

VT Fire
New York State Fire Danger Page Vermont Fire Danger Page


severe severe
WFAS Observed Fire Danger WFAS Forecast Fire Danger
Connecticut Fire Danger Page