National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Rain and Mountain Snow in the Pacific Northwest; Warmer in the Western and Central U.S.

Across the Pacific Northwest, a plume of Pacific moisture will continue to bring moderate to locally heavy rainfall to lower elevations and heavy snow to the northern Cascades into the northern Rockies through Monday. Warm spring-like temperatures will expand over the western and central U.S. this week. Record tying or breaking highs will be possible from Texas west into the Desert Southwest. Read More >

                                      Direct questions/comments to Christina Speciale, CoCoRaHS Coordinator for Eastern NY & Western New England

Welcome to the Eastern NY & Western New England CoCoRaHS Webpage!


What is CoCoRaHS?

CoCoRaHS is an acronym for the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network.  CoCoRaHS is a unique, non-profit, community-based network of volunteers of all ages and backgrounds working together to measure and map precipitation (rain, hail and snow).   By using low-cost measurement tools, stressing training and education, and utilizing an interactive Web-site, our aim is to provide the highest quality data for natural resource, education and research applications. We are now in all fifty states.

Download the updated "CoCoRaHS Brochure" as a PDF (12.4 MB)
CoCoRaHS Wanted Flyer PDF (164 KB)

What benefits are there in volunteering?

One of the neat things about participating in this network is coming away with the feeling that you have made an important contribution that helps others.  By providing your daily observation, you help to fill in a piece of the weather puzzle that affects many across your area in one way or another. You also will have the chance to make some new friends as you do something important and learn some new things along the way. In some areas, activities are organized for network participants including training sessions, field trips, special speakers, picnics, pot-luck dinners, and photography contests just to name a few.

How can I sign up?

Just click here to sign up as a CoCoRaHS Volunteer Observer or download a .pdf version of our application and return it as soon as possible.



Welcome New Observers!

Training Materials:

Where to Buy a CoCoRaHS Rain Gauge

Setting up your Rain Gauge

CoCoRaHS Training Slide Show

How to Enter Your Data:  Website (youtube video)  |  Smartphone App

How to Edit Your Data:   Website |  Smartphone App

National Weather Service Guidelines to Measure Snow


Important Links:

National CoCoRaHS Webpage

Monthly Rainfall and Snowfall Maps





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Ask us Your CoCoRaHS or Observation Questions Here!


To make this a valuable resource for everyone, we would like to hear your comments and questions. If you have something that you would like to see added to this webpage, please let us know through this question and comment form. Be sure to specify that your comment is related to the development of the web portal.  Please use this form as well if you have a question about the web portal.

Send us your questions here!



Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question not listed below?     Send us your questions here!

Question: I took a rainfall or snowfall measurement outside of my normal morning observation time. How can I send it to the National Weather Service in Albany, NY?  

Answer: Send your rainfall or snowfall report directly to us here or via our social media platforms (@NWSAlbany - Twitter or Be sure to include the time of your observation, location and other important details.

Of course, still submit your snowfall or rainfall report on the CoCoRaHs website or through the CoCoRahs app as you normally would.

Question: Do I have to submit anything if there was no rain or snow? Answer: Yes, please!  Entering zeros on dry days make your weather records complete and also assist meteorologists, hydrologists and other decision makers learn just how wet or dry certain areas have been.
Question: What time should I report?

Answer: Between 5am and 9am is preferred because that's when we gather and quality control morning weather observations. We understand there may be days where you cannot report. That's ok. Feel free to submit a "multi-day report".

Question: I made a mistake. How do I fix it? Answer: Read this step by step guide to edit your data. 
Question: I only have time to measure the snow and do not have time to wait for the snow in the gauge to melt. What should I do?  Answer: Submit your snowfall amount under "accumulation of new snowfall" and leave "NA" (meaning not available) for "rain and/or melted snow". Do not just take your snow measurement and convert it to a decimal for your rain/melted snow (i.e if you measure 5.3" of new snow, do not enter 5.3" for your rain/melted snow.)
Question: How much snow should I report if it all melts or blow away by the time I go outside to take my morning observation? 

Answer: The amount you enter under "accumulation of new snow" should be the maximum accumulation of new snow prior to any melting, blowing, or settling. Therefore, you may have to measure your new snowfall soon after the snow stops since by 7/8 A.M. your new snow may be reduced or completely gone.

For example, say it snows between 11am and 5pm and you measure 2.3" at 5pm. The next morning at 7/8am, you go outside to measure and only 0.4" of snow is left due to melting. You should still report 2.3" since that is the maximum amount of snow that fell during your 24-hour observation period.

If you would like to report your snow measurement to the National Weather Service in Albany, NY before 7/8am, send us your report via social media (Twitter - @NWSAlbany or or submit a report here. Be sure to include your location, amount and time of observation.

Question: If snow fell at my house between 11am and 5pm today and it's January 1, do I enter it for January 1 or do I wait until 7/8am tomorrow January 2?

Answer: Please remember the new 24-hour snowfall amount should be reported the morning of your next observation which may not be the calendar day on which it fell. For example, if 2.3" of new snow fell between 11am and 5pm on January 1, your report of 2.3" should be submitted on January 2 NOT January 1 since January 2 will be your next observation time. 

If you would like to report your snow measurement to the National Weather Service in Albany, NY before 7/8am, send us your report via social media (Twitter - @NWSAlbany or or submit a report here. Be sure to include your location, amount and time of observation.

Question: Both rain and snow fell at my house over the last 24 hours. What do I enter in under "rain/melted snow" and what do I enter for the "melted value of the core" under "new snow"? Answer: The total amount of precipitation in your rain gauge (combination of rain and melted down snow) will go in the "rain and melted snow" section. After you measure snow on your snowboard, do not wipe the board clean. Instead, take an empty rain gauge (this is where having a spare rain gauge is helpful) and flip it upside down on your snow covered snowboard and the flip the gauge and snowboard right side up so that the snow falls into it. Melt down the snow. This is the amount of liquid water in your snow which should be reported as "melted value of the core" under "new snow".



Most Dedicated CoCoRaHS Observers in

Eastern NY & Western New England in 2023

(Observers who reported everyday in 2023 highlighted in yellow)

Station Name Station Number Total Number of Reporting Day in 2023
CT-LT-20 Warren 2.4 WNW 365
CT-LT-50 Litchfield 5.3 ESE 365
CT-LT-51 South Kent 0.1 SE 365
CT-LT-9 New Hartford Center 3.2 SW 365
MA-BE-21 Cheshire 0.5 NNW 365
NY-AB-1 Altamont 2.7 SSW 365
NY-CB-15 Ancramdale 0.2 N 365
NY-DT-12 Lagrangeville 3.4 NE 365
NY-DT-24 Red Hook 1.2 NNE 365
NY-DT-29 Poughkeepsie 5.3 S 365
NY-DT-32 Millbrook 2.5 NE 365
NY-DT-34 Hopewell Junction 2.8 NE 365
NY-DT-35 Pleasant Valley 1.7 S 365
NY-GR-14 Lexington 1.5 N 365
NY-GR-6 Freehold 3.4 E 365
NY-MG-1 Fort Plain 0.2 SE 365
NY-SC-27 Niskayuna 2.9 SSE 365
NY-RN-13 Troy 6.9 NE 365
NY-SR-4 Saratoga Springs 0.5 S 365
NY-UL-29 Highland 0.2 SW 365
NY-WR-21 Brant Lake 1.7 ENE 365
CT-LT-28 Canaan 4.2 ESE 364
NY-HM-8 Long Lake 1.2 N 364
NY-MG-3 Hessville 1.8 WSW 364
NY-RN-1 Averill Park 0.9 WNW 364
NY-UL-34 Wallkill 3.7 E 364
CT-LT-34 Woodbury Center 1.5 SSW 363
CT-LT-37 New Milford 3.1 WNW 363
NY-AB-21 NWS Albany 363
NY-UL-31 Hurley 2.2 S 363
MA-BE-4 Becket 5.6 SSW 362
NY-HM-10 Lake Pleasant 2.3 WSW 362
NY-CB-16 Valatie 2.9 N 361
NY-CB-23 Chatham 0.7 SW 361
NY-GR-15 Athens 0.3 WNW 361
VT-WH-17 Rockingham 1.1 NNE 361
NY-AB-23 Albany 0.7 SW 360
NY-SC-17 Pattersonville 4.2 SSW 359